Monday, June 22, 2020

Secrets to Massive Freelance Success

Are you planning to scurry away from the monotonous routine of your 9-5 job?  Are you considering a freelancing career?  Congratulations to you!  Working as a freelancer can be highly rewarding and, more importantly, an excellent way of growth.  But as promising as this offer is, it also comes with a plethora of challenges.  Grabbing lucrative freelance jobs is not as easy as it seems.  Burning the midnight oil and planning out the strategies can make you successful as an independent employee.  In this segment, we'll share tips to help you get through freelancing with ease.

  • Think about the right time to transition 

The hardest step to starting your business is knowing when to quit your job.  Here is a list of reasons that can act as the perfect backbone for quitting your current job. 

  1. If you already have work lined up.  If you are thinking of quitting your job and starting your business, start moonlighting way before.  If you line up work months before leaving your job, you will have some stability.

  2. Have a financial cushion.  Quitting your job without having any savings in the bank is the most foolish choice you can make. 

  3. Be confident in your skills.  You wouldn’t want to leave your job without having any clue about your business. 

  • Go deeper into the pricing strategy

You must be thorough with your pricing strategy if you are planning to start freelance work.  Pricing falls into the logistics category and there are different ways to price your services.  Try to avoid hourly rates or billing as it is too granular. 

  • Define your process 

Being thorough with your process is the most critical step in starting your business.  For example, if you are a designer, work out your design process before freelancing.  But that does not mean your method should be the same for every project. 

These are some of the most practical tips to help you through the process of freelancing without any hassle. 

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